How to Secure VLAN Networks - An Introduction

VLAN security is essential. It is important that network designers distinguish the ports that are intended for public consumption from those that are meant for private use. As networking becomes increasingly interconnected in everyday life, so does the desire to deliberately enter a private network to obtain information.

The same applies to those who wish to protect private data, and to prevent it being stolen from 'hackers'. These cyber thieves will do whatever it takes to exploit any loopholes in the system and then enter it from there. They will attempt to find a weakness even if there is none.

These electronic thieves are very clever. They probe until they find weak points in the system, then attempt to gain entry from there. The majority of corporate systems that are protected from hackers have both a private and public server sophos España .

Virtual LAN is an acronym that stands for virtual network, which allows hosts to communicate with one another as if in the same area. VLANs can be used to transmit data but they do not have any security. To secure them electronically, you will need to install hardware. The use of a "firewall" is one example of such hardware and software. A firewall can be described as a program or hardware that monitors and checks the identity of packets being sent or received over a local area network. All information is sent as "packets" and the legal ones can often be identified by the system using a "tag".

Hackers could also use these tags to attempt to get into systems. A firewall must be installed in a way that authenticates all packets that pass through it. A firewall is usually placed so that it makes all entry points (or what we call ports) 'closed to further notice' or "closed until identity has been verified".

These ports act as the link between VLAN hosts, networks and other VLANs. To avoid VLAN security breaches, it is important to distinguish trusted ports and untrusted port. This allows trusted ports to open and close all untrusted ones, and then you can avoid connecting management ports that connect the network to outsiders. The system administrators can use these management ports to maintain the system's functionality from within the network.

These management ports and channels are intended to be used only by network admins for system maintenance and troubleshooting. There should not be any other ports that can be connected to the outside. They say that 99% of intrusions on the VLAN security measures can be prevented by human error.


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