Network Security - Little Known Threats


Common network security threats can cause damage to your network. Remote login, SMTP hijacking, and backdoor access to a computer network are just a few of the most common threats that can damage your network. However, there are many other ways that an inadvertently access your network can steal or damage your data. These are just a few of the network security risks you need to be aware of, regardless if you have a corporate or private network.

DNS - A major attack on websites is DNS (or denial of service). This threat is usually reserved for large networks. A denial-of-service attack can often be devastating for companies. There is little that a company can do to immediately recover. This happens cisco España   when a hacker attempts to connect to the server several times, even though he is denied access. These repeated requests can cause the system slow down and eventually crash             

Macros - An application that allows you to create a series of commands that will run on your network. These macros can be used to crash computers or destroy data.

Virus - Computer viruses are one of the most serious threats to any corporate or private network user. Modern anti-viral software can prevent most viruses.

Backdoors to operating systems can lead to OS bugs. Inadequate network security systems can leave a backdoor open for attacks. This security threat can be minimized by having a secure network and firewalls.


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